Paris Jackson celebrates 5 years of sobriety with moving message

Paris Jackson celebrates another chapter in his sobriety journey.

The only daughter of fire Michael Jackson marked five years of abstinence from alcohol and heroin with a powerful message about what it means for her to experience all the ups and downs that life has to offer.

“Hi, my name is PK and I am an alcoholic and heroin addict. Today marks 5 years of abstinence and sobriety from all drugs and alcohol,” the 26-year-old wrote on Instagram January 7. “To say I’m grateful would be an understatement. Gratitude only scratches the surface. It's because I'm sober that I can smile today. I can make music. I discover the joy of loving my dogs and my cat. I feel grief in all its glory.

“I can mourn. I manage to laugh. I can dance. I can trust,” Paris continued. “I feel the sun on my skin and it’s warm. I discovered that life goes on whether I'm sober or not, but today I can show up. Here's a little taste of what's been possible through my sobriety, and my god, I can't believe I almost blew it. THANKS.”

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