Crisis on Two Earths is the ultimate superhero multiverse movie

The multiverse is not complete science fiction. Its existence, of course, has not been proven, but it has a theoretical basis in real quantum physics. The wave function (the mathematical expression of a quantum system that can provide the probability of finding a particle) is said to “collapse” after a final measurement is made. The “many-worlds interpretation” developed by physicist Hugh Everett instead proposes that when measuring a quantum system, everyone possible measurements are made in many universes.

Compare Schrödinger's cat thought experimentitself derived from the idea of ​​quantum measurement; if you put a cat in a closed box, there's no way to tell if the animal is alive or dead, so technically it's neither.

Experts have noted how looking at the world this way has some chilling philosophical implications; as individuals and the collective body of humanity, we cherish our uniqueness. If every permutation of “we” exists on a single plane of existence, this uniqueness is eliminated. This is the root of Pooch's nihilism, although he defines reality as a ramification based on human choices rather than particle behavior (this is character-driven narrative).

“Every decision we make is meaningless because somewhere, on a parallel Earth, we have already made the opposite choice. We are nothing. Less than nothing,” explains the Owl. His analysis is not wrong in itself; it is coldly rational under a certain lens. But you'd have to be extremely amoral to conclude that it makes human life “meaningless” – that's Owlman, so he wants to destroy the original “Earth-Prime”, thinking it will cause the collapse of all other realities. “The only action that could be taken that would have any purpose,” he calls it, because the destruction of all reality is the only decision that cannot be reversed in another world.

Woods gives a cool performance as Owl; calm and menacing, the opposite of his most famous voice role as the loquacious Hades in Hercules. On the other hand, Crisis On Two Earths would have benefited from Kevin Conroy as Batman instead of Billy Baldwin, as it would have given an extra punch to the already fantastic battle between Batman and Owlman.

I can hear Conroy delivering Batman's lines to Poochman so clearly in his mind, especially his farewell: “There's a difference between you and me. We both stared into the abyss, but when it looked back at us … you blinked.” Both men faced despair, but only one succumbed.

Owl character is an evil Batman, yes, but it goes deeper than just the news that the Dark Knight is a villain; he is an obstacle to Batman's ethos of will and determination that one man can make a difference. Owl would rather destroy everything than live with the “illusion of free will”, while Batman sees the world for what it is, darkness and light, and tries to make it better with faith that others, even his enemies, can. to be better. If there's one thing Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths teaches us, it's that in the end, we're all the sum of our own, disparate choices.

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