“Black Ink Crew” star accused of unpaid wages

Caesar Emmanuelhit star TV show “Black Ink Crew has received serious allegations from a former employee. Venus bracelets claims she was never paid to work at his famous tattoo studio. In addition, Cuffs reportedly filed a complaint with the New York Department of Labor for unpaid wages.

In the end, the department reportedly decided that Emanuel had to pay — at least $114,000, to be exact.

However, Cuff now claims that Emanuel still hasn't coughed up his money. And she may not be the only one with these claims.

Will Caesar Emanuel be held accountable for his alleged actions?

Well Shadow room Justin Carter researches thingsTSR is investigating.'

Details of Ceaser Emanuel's claims of unpaid wages

According to Carter, Emanuel was cut from the cast of Black Ink Crew in 2022. footage was released about a tattoo artist who abuses a dog. Despite this, Emanuel reportedly kept his producer role on the show until it was canceled the following year.

Despite the turn of events, Cuffs says she “did everything” at the store and is needed for just that.

“Ceaser was pretty cheap,” Cuffs told Carter, reflecting on her time at the store and explaining why she stayed even though she may not have gotten paid for the job. “A lot of promises were made… we were sort of told… ‘You could run this store here. You could work for me here…”

Here's how the “Black Ink Crew” star has reportedly responded to the allegations

According to Cuffs, she immediately filed a grievance after being fired. For her part, Emanuel claimed that she “never worked” at his store and that her claims were “made up.” However, in a January 2021 order, the New York Department of Labor required Emanuel to pay the Cuffs more than $114,000 in unpaid wages.

Scroll above as Carter talks about the additional labor violations Emanuel and his company were accused of and why Cuff says Emanuel's companies may be “gone.” Plus, Carter shares the reaction to “Black Ink Star.” Shadow room request for comment on allegations and court records.

What do you think, rooms?

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