Influencer Rebecca Wylie Simms dies at 39 after surgical complication

A twin goes through a devastating loss.

Rebecca Wylie Simmsfood and lifestyle influencer nicknamed 'Boo' dies following 'tragic surgical complication', her twin sister and business partner Sarah Simms-Hendrix common. She was 39 years old.

“This loss is immeasurable and our hearts are completely broken,” Sarah wrote in his message of January 19 from their joint Instagram account Lady and pantry. “Boo was our magic maker, our color painter, and the brightest light I have ever known. We ask for your patience and understanding as we navigate this extremely painful time.

She continued: “Your continued support means more than words could ever say. Thank you, from the depths of my being, for staying by our side during this unimaginable time.”

Rebecca was the mother of two daughters, Mavis Loretta3, and Bertie Lou2 years, which she shared with her husband Sean Montes.

In addition to her work with Sarah and Lady & Larder, she also served as creative director for Lazy Dog Restaurants and shared her art, which included paintings, graphics, and handmade Halloween costumes, under the Instagram account. Wylie West Creative.

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