Inside Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter's love story spanning 8 decades

The Carters spent their first days as husband and wife at the Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, where Jimmy was gone most of the week on a mission and Rosalynn was taking a crash course in housekeeping.

Their first child, son John William “Jack” Carterwas born on July 3, 1947, so the couple celebrated their first anniversary at the hospital as a family of three. The following year, Jimmy was selected for underwater school in New London, Connecticut, and eventually had regular schedules so he could be home each evening with his wife and child.

They welcomed their son Chip on on April 12, 1950, while living in Hawaii. Then we went to San Diego, California, then back to New London, where my son Donnel Jeffrey “Jeff” Carter was born on August 18, 1952, then they moved to Schenectady, New York so Jimmy could study nuclear energy at Union College.

Rosalynn said she plans to be a Navy wife, moving from city to city and seeing the world with her husband. Which she eventually did, but not in the way she might have imagined.

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