Phi Beta Sigma men who pulverize Panny hang out in Bluelivion

Happy Founders’ Day!

Celebrities Visit SiriusXM – July 16, 2024

Source: Arturo Holmes/Getty Images

You know, we had to celebrate the super cool brothers of Phi Beta Sigma celebrating 111 years of a culture of service and service to humanity.

The legendary organization was founded on January 9, 1914 at Howard University by the Honorable A. Langston Taylor, the Honorable Leonard F. Morse, and the Honorable Charles I. Brown who sought to organize a Greek-letter fraternity that would would exemplify the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service.

The founders ultimately created an organization that saw itself as “a part” of the general community rather than “apart” from the general community, with a dedication to the “inclusive us” rather than the “exclusive us.”

Notable members include Jerry Rice, Emmitt Smith, Richard ShermanTerrence Howard, Braylon Edwards, Boyz II Men's Shawn Stockman, Al Roker, Dr. Bobby Jones, former President Bill Clinton, George Washington Carver and Blair Underwood who recently made a big reveal about The Jennifer Hudson Show.

“Let me tell you something: For me, it was the role that got away from me,” Underwood, 60, revealed about playing almost opposite Jennifer Hudson in Dream girls. “Jamie Foxx's character, the one she was in love with. I wanted to make this film so much.

How are you celebrating Sigmas today? Would you have liked to see Blair in Dream girls or was Jamie perfect? Tell us below and enjoy our gallery of Sigma baes at a glance.

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