It appears the ink wasn't even dry on President Donald Trump's official second term before the commander-in-white-privilege-and-play-in-black-faces begin forgive the rioters of January 6, rolling back decades-old civil rights protections and keep his promise to rid the federal government of all DEI programs.
In fact, on Wednesday morning, Trump signed an order requiring all federal employees in diversity, equity and inclusion positions to be placed on paid leave by 5 p.m. ET Wednesday evening, according to NBC News. Imagine that. You're an employee sitting at your desk, fulfilling your duty to ensure that white men aren't exclusively the only demographic that can get a job in the federal government, and suddenly a Trump surrogate points at you. the soldier and tells you it's time. take your PTO because white supremacy is big again.
In fact, these employees not only receive forced vacations, Trump's order also requires federal agencies to submit a written plan by January 31 for outright termination.
Getting fired for creating diversity, equity, and inclusion is a dirty job.
It is frustrating enough that Trump and the rest of white conservative America have managed to propagandize against DEI to the point where it is wrongly characterized as anti-white discrimination, as opposed to what it actually is. reality: an effort to remove systematically placed barriers that prevented women and people of color from receiving benefits. equal opportunities in education and the workplace. But to add insult to injury, Trump is demonstrating white-orange nationalist Caucasianness by invoking the name of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. while introducing a policy that goes against everything the American icon stood for. civil rights fought and claiming to pay homage to him. at the same time.
From BNC:
“This order seeks to return the promise and hope captured by civil rights champions, that one day all Americans can be treated according to their character and not according to the color of their skin.
This statement echoes a well-known quote from Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech, in which King said: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Hours later, in his inaugural address, Trump declared that it was “Martin Luther King Day, and in his honor, it will be a great honor, but in his honor, we will strive together to make his dream a reality . We will make his dream come true.
Listen: We all knew the second Trump administration was going to bring us an extra dose of white supremacy, but ignoring black people and manipulating our message and our historic fight against racism in this way is shameful and a collective slap in the face.
The next four years are going to be long, frustrating and exhausting.