What color palette to wear based on your color analysis

What is my color season?

Seasonal color analysis is based on three factors: your skin tone, hair color, and eye color. So how do you know if you are winter, spring, summer or fall? Here's a simple way to understand it.

First, consider the undertone of your skin. Those with a cool undertone usually have blue veins and a pink tint to the skin, while those with a warm undertone have green veins and a yellow or golden tint.

Next, think about your hair and eye color to match your skin tone. This is where contrast comes in. For example, if you have dark hair and light eyes with fair skin, you will likely have high contrast, whereas someone with blonde hair, golden skin and with brown eyes will have low contrast.

Now you are ready to determine your color season!

Here's a simplified guide to identifying your color season:

  • Autumn: warm shades, low contrast
  • Winter: cold shades, high contrast
  • Spring: warm shades, high contrast
  • Summer: cool shades, low contrast

Now that you understand your color season, it's time to go shopping! Keep scrolling to see what you should wear based on your color analysis.

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